Friday, May 28, 2021

So Much More

For me, Memorial Day weekend represents the kick-off to summer and a chance to get together with family at the lake.  That's all great, but I understand that the Day is supposed to be so much more, and for many it is.  I don't have any close friends or family members that have died serving our country.  If I did, I'm sure I would be thinking of them this weekend.  I am thankful for all those that have served and given everything so that I can live freely.  In an effort to try to internalize that, I looked for some additional inspiration and found this video.  If you take a few minutes to watch, I hope it will be meaningful for you.   I would love to hear about how Memorial Day is made personal to you.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Road to Somewhere

Our small group from church wrapped up our study of J.I. Packer's Knowing God this week.  Packer ends the book by stating that Paul's letter to the Romans is the pinnacle book of the Bible, and that Chapter 8, is the pinnacle of that book.  The world we live in leads us into seeking immediate gratification with our thought life skipping from one thing to the next without landing anywhere of significance.  One of God's gifts to us is scripture.  It is a road map for how to live our lives with greater joy and peace.  Packer challenged us to read, meditate on and memorize scripture.  I accept the challenge and have committed to just 15 minutes alone every day doing that.  I think I'll start with Romans 8.  I would love for you to join me.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Dirty Laundry

My heart aches for the denomination that my home church belongs to.  The Methodist leadership is having a hard time leading.   Some leaders want to change the doctrine that the churches abide by.   The Bible is the Bible, but doctrine defines the practices that those in our denomination agree to, and there is heated debate about what those practices should be.   There is so much discord among members that the denomination is considering dividing.   The lay leadership of the North GA conference of our denomination ran a full page ad in the AJC this week airing our dirty laundry.  I'm not opposed to people speaking out publicly.  I just wish all of the emotional energy that is being invested in the conflict could be invested in Jesus.  I pray that Jesus will somehow be glorified in the controversy, and that the Church will learn to love Him and others more than it ever has before.

Friday, May 7, 2021

All Those Moms

 This Sunday, we have the opportunity to honor our mothers above and beyond what we might normally do.  I don't know about you, but I sometimes get a little overwhelmed with all the Moms that deserve to be honored.  Everybody has a mom or had a Mom at one time or another, and there are a bunch of my family and friends that should be recognized for their roles as Moms.  My daughter and daughter-in-law are the Moms to our 6.77 grandchildren (#7 due in June. Yes, I did the math.)  My wife is Mom to our two children.  But it's a fact that I only have one Mom, and I am so fortunate to have her living next door to me.  What a blessing that is for me. I get to see her almost every day, but this Sunday is her day in my eyes.    Happy Mother's Day, Mom.  I love you so much.