Thursday, October 10, 2024

An Open Purse

Robert attended Pasadena Nazarene College and spent the next several years as an evangelist traveling across California working mostly with troubled teens.  He joined an organization called Youth for Christ, and became close with Billy, who was one of the leaders there.  Robert's involvement in Youth for Christ took him overseas where he was moved by the poverty and despair of the war-torn areas that he visited.  He founded an organization called World Vision International dedicated to helping children out of poverty.  He then started Samaritan's Purse dedicated to providing food to starving children and helping with disaster relief.  

Robert Pierce died of Leukemia in 1978.  It was 1950 when he started World Vision International.  In 1970, he started Samaritan's Purse which is now run by Franklin. It  turns out Billy from Youth for Christ, and Franklin from Samaritan's Purse, have the same last name - Graham.  You may have heard of them.  

Robert probably wouldn't have guessed that 46 years after his death, The Samaritan's Purse organization that he founded would be coordinating hurricane relief in the area surrounding their headquarters in Boone, NC.  Praise God for the vision that Robert had to help others, and please continue praying for and supporting in any way you can the victims of hurricanes Helene and Milton.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Flood Of Emotion


posted this week at SpotOnTheLake encouraging readers to do what they can to help the victims of hurricane Helene.  I'm sure there are 100's of stories of heroism that have been circulating about rescue workers and private citizens that have been able to help victims, but this one got caught on live TV.  Bob Van Dillen was doing a live broadcast from Peachtree Creek in Atlanta.  He heard a woman calling out from a partially submerged vehicle and he called 911.  The screams became more intense, and he realized that someone needed to help right away.  He stopped the broadcast and waded in chest deep water to the car to free her.  The cameras rolled again as he was carrying her to safety clinging to his back.  Bob was very humble in his remarks afterwards downplaying his actions, but as we all know, the risk of entering high, moving water can be very dangerous.  I can't say for sure, but I hope my response would have been the same as his.  We lift up continued prayers for all of those affected by the storm.  Summary video     Longer video with interview