Thursday, April 10, 2014

The amazing stretching machine

My son, Michael, spun this young boy around so fast that he grew by 17 inches during the three hour process.  

A couple of weeks ago, Michael and a group of college students went to Nicaragua during Spring Break on a mission trip sponsored by his church.  This is Michael’s third trip there, and this year he went as a co-leader.   I  have not been on a mission trip out of the country, but I have had a few trips to areas in need in the southeast US.  Michael’s trip activities include construction projects, visits to nursing homes and helping to serve whatever needs the local organization has.  As you can see from the photo, Michael seems to love the kids in that country.  When he comes home to tell me about his memorable moments of the trip, just playing with the kids is always on the top of his list. 

 I am so proud of him for his passion to serve others and especially for his love of kids.  I am blessed that he is my son and my business partner. 

Oh, that is actually two young boys in the photo.  They survived the amazing spinning machine unscathed (as far as I know).

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