Thursday, May 15, 2014

Through the storm

Last night, I was at the lake by myself.  Around 11pm, I started to hear some thunder rumbling and see some flashes of lightning outside.  The heavy rain and wind followed soon afterwards.  I don’t consider myself scared of storms, but the power of the storm was ominous.  The storm seemed to parallel my week at work.  I have several sensitive client situations which are requiring a higher level of attention than most.  It is not uncommon that I am working to manage competing interests.  Emotions can run high, and I think one of the most important things I can do is to be steady and help to calm the fears of my clients.  Sometimes, I am better at this than others.    As Casting Crowns lead singer, Rob Hall, reminds me, I want to do a better job recognizing that while sometimes God calms the storm, other times he just rides it out with us.  Either way, praise Him.  If you have 5 minutes, take a listen

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