Thursday, October 8, 2015

Just Forgiven?

Our connect group made it through chapter 2 of the Divine Conspiracy this week.  This chapter started with a look at the familiar bumper sticker: : “Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven.”  While both parts of that statement may be true, the overall message is “don’t expect Christians to act any differently than anyone else”.  Willard then takes some time talking about the religious right and the religious left.  The  extreme right with the mantra of  a saving grace that will get us into heaven no matter what we do, and the extreme left taking a position that religion is all about what we can do to improve society and remove social ills.   Again, while neither of these approaches are inherently bad, Willard claims that neither reflect the centrality of the message that Jesus proclaimed while He was here.   And that was that Jesus came to us as a teacher to show us how to get closer to a heaven on earth.  This is what Willard will be focusing on for the remainder of the book.

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