Wednesday, June 28, 2017

More about Bill

I mentioned Bill McKenzie in my SpotOnTheLake entry this week.  Bill is responsible for starting Pine Cove Camps in Texas, and Pine Cove has just opened a camp on Lake Hartwell.  Since inception, Pine Cove has served over one million campers of all ages, and their number one goal is to show people the love of Jesus.  It is an integral part of their programming and is ingrained in all of their staff.  I am very happy that I had the chance to meet Bill and serve a small role in getting them to Lake Hartwell.  If you are looking for a camp experience that will light a fire in your soul, please consider one of Pine Cove's camps.  More here.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Celebrating Love

This Sunday 6/25, Caroline and I will be celebrating our 34th anniversary.  I  have known Caroline since kindergarten.  We dated in high school and in college, got married right out of school, got pregnant on our honeymoon, had Michael 9 months later and Lizzy three years after that.  Now, 3 decades later, we get to celebrate our four grandchildren (the two most recent additions, Nora and Caroline in this photo)  I can't imagine my life without Caroline. She has been the ultimate mom to our kids, CiCi to our grandkids and somehow manages to love me despite all of my faults.   I thank God for putting her in my life.

Thursday, June 15, 2017


I consider myself a consumer of social media.  I am expected to use it for my real estate business, but it is a push for me.  I look at facebook every day, but I don't post or comment every day.  Some of what I see posted by others is fun, some is disgusting but most of it is just not interesting to me.  Most of the time when I comment on other posts, it is an attempt to "be clever", and that often includes sarcasm.  The people that know me well recognize that, but "one-off" friends are sometimes confused or even offended.  I came across this article from a Christian author who has adopted three rules that help govern his social media use.  He only posts if 1) he can add to the conversation (not repeat something someone else has always said, like "amen") 2) he can find a way to say it constructively and 3) it is likely to be received respectfully.  I think I could benefit from paying closer attention to those rules.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Fixer Upper

I am nearing the end of C. S. Lewis's Mere Christianity.  The concise chapters are packed with ideas that make me think.  The book serves as a great devotional.  One of the great influencers of Lewis was George McDonald, and Lewis refers to him frequently in his writings.  McDonald tells a parable that mirrors something like an episode of Fixer Upper.   Imagine yourself as a living house that is a huge mess.   At first God comes in to try to straighten things up.  He plugs the leaks in the roof, gets the systems working and makes the foundation sturdy.  You know those things need to be taken care of, so you are not surprised.  Right about the time that you start feeling like you are all cleaned up, He walks in with a sledge hammer.  He starts knocking down walls and punching out ceilings, and you start wondering what He is up to.  And then you realize, the house He is building is quite different from the one you imagined.  You expected a cottage, but He is building a palace - because He fully intends to come and live in it Himself.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Memorial Day Fun

I celebrated Memorial Day by water skiing with my son and my daughter.  I admit the reason for Memorial Day was the furthest thing from my mind.  In fact, the closest I ever came to serving our country was registering for the draft when I was in college in 1981.  I feel fortunate that I was never called to serve.  I am amazed by the men and women who feel just the opposite.  They feel fortunate to be called to serve, and many of them paid the ultimate sacrifice of their life.   General James Mattis delivered a moving tribute to them at Arlington Cemetery this week.  I encourage you to take three minutes to honor those who gave it all.