Our small group dove into the first 11 verses of James 1 last night. There are three themes in that section. 1) Find joy in the trials in your life as they can produce steadfastness. 2) Ask God for wisdom, and He will provide it. 3) Those with few worldly possessions should be glad since they are great in the Lord's eyes. We had healthy discussions around all three topics, but when I asked the group for any personal experiences with the first, Kim spoke up. (Sharing with her permission.) Her husband, Michael, had a stroke recently. His mobility is back, but he is still recovering his speech and is in therapy. Kim works full time and asked for help getting him to and from therapy twice a week. The men in our group quickly set up a schedule to help him. She was emotional as she talked about the fact that because of the stroke, Michael was able to spend time with several of us that he wouldn't have had if he were just going to work every day. Both of them had felt peace and joy through the process. Praise God for bringing joy from trials. I hope you have the opportunity to experience the same.
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