The presidential election has dominated air time on televisions, computers, and phones for the past several months. Now that the election is over, I was curious to see how the conversation might change, and more importantly, what the best Christian response would be. Regrettably, I had a hard time finding something I could agree with - until I landed on this video from Allen Parr. I didn't know Allen before today, but I liked what he had to say. I especially liked that the 13 minute video was loaded with bible passages supporting his thoughts. He had three main points. 1) Monitor your communications. Don't communicate messages that will be divisive. Half of the people in the country will be disappointed in the outcome of the election. Those people, and all people, are children of God. 2) Put your ultimate faith in God. No human leader will be perfect and will surely disappoint us at some point. God is our King and the only one that we can trust in completely. 3) Keep an eternal perspective. What happens over the next four years, or the next forty years, will seem trivial when compared with the glory of spending eternity with Jesus. I encourage you to take 13 minutes to listen, and I would be interested in knowing what you think.
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