Thursday, February 13, 2025

Careful Consideration


Last week I posted about us selling our house in Braselton and moving to Lake Hartwell full time.  I mentioned that I had broken my arm and was minimal help with packing and moving boxes. Caroline picked up my slack, but I am fully aware that my injury was not my main disability.  My main disability is that I am such a routine person, that doing anything outside of the normal routine is emotionally draining.  Caroline, knowing this, graciously executed the move.  She didn't just throw stuff in boxes.  She went through boxes that hadn't been opened since we moved to this house 18 years ago, and sorted things into trash, goodwill items and keepers, and then repacked the keepers.  But that is kind of how our relationship goes.  I do routine things quickly, and she does everything correctly with care.  Quickly isn't always bad, but correctly with care is almost always better.  I could try to make a case that you need both types to make a relationship work, but I would just be posturing.  Our relationship works because Caroline takes care with our things, our friends, our family and me.  I love her so much and can't imagine life without her.  Happy Valentine's Day, Caroline.

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