I’m not Catholic, but I have enjoyed watching the wide
reception of Pope Francis since his appointment. He seems like a real
“down to earth” guy that is particularly concerned with the well-being of all
people and not so much with the pomp and circumstance surrounding his position.
Francis made the news this week for stating: “A person who thinks only
about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not
Christian.” Most assume he was referring to Donald Trump’s desire to
build a wall between the United States and Mexico. I don’t know if a wall
would help or hurt our situation, but I was a little surprised that Francis
made such a strong statement. I know Donald Trump thinks he is a
Christian, even if he is flawed just like me. I wouldn’t think his
position on building a wall would make that determination, even if it is the
wrong thing to do. Let me know what you think.
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