Thursday, September 29, 2016

Love To Learn

I ran across this short article by Scott Bessenecker relaying an encounter he had with a Jehovah's Witness that had stopped by his home to invite him to join a bible study.  Scott is in full time Christian ministry, and while the idea of starting a study with a stranger wasn't an opportunity he was ready to jump at, his response to her was insightful.  He briefly told the visitor what he believed, but then said that if those things weren't true, he did not want to believe them.  If she would take the same position, he would agree to meet with her.  She turned and left.  His conclusion was that all believers need to constantly think about and challenge what they believe - and be willing to question thoughtfully what others believe.  Being inquisitive and discerning is Godly.  I think this is why I am drawn to authors like CS Lewis and Dallas Willard and have gone back to their writing over and over again.  It's not just the words they write and the thoughts they express, but a genuine love for truth and knowledge that is undeniable.

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