Thursday, October 13, 2016

Antiphonal trumpets

Church looks different for a lot of us these days.  I grew up in a traditional Presbyterian church complete with 6-figure pipe organ.  Now my church has a 6 figure A/V booth with two cameras with operators and three remote cameras - one with joy stick.  I'm not making fun.  I love my church.  But I remember the day at 1st Pres when they added the antiphonal trumpets in the rear of the sanctuary.  The "trumpets" were driven by the pipe organ and were debuted with "God of Our Fathers Whose Almighty Hand".  But every service included The Doxology (Old 100).  I have been thinking of the Doxology recently as The Georgia Wind Symphony, which Caroline and I play in, is preparing a composition based on that hymn.  The Doxology begins with "Praise God from who all blessings flow."   As my current church is in the midst of a month of prayer, I want to recognize that every good thing is a gift from God.  That doesn't change, no matter how we worship.  And God hasn't changed either.

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