Our ConnectGroup completed the HeroMakers segment, and we have moved on to the Andy Stanley sermon series called "What happy couples know." I continue to be amazed at how Andy can craft and deliver a message. One of the points in his message last night dealt with the frequently abused passage in scripture where Paul tells women to submit to their husbands. I feel like men and women have both used this for their own selfish gain. Some men have used it to make their wives feel guilty for not doing everything they need for them to do. Some women have used this as a reason to reject Christianity altogether due to the seeming inequality it represents. What is almost unbelievable is that so many people ignore the rest of the passage where Paul instructs us to submit to one another. At the time when Paul was living, women were actually considered "the property" of their husbands. They were not treated equally, and neither men, nor women, expected men to treat women equally. Paul's instruction that husbands and wives should submit to one another would have been considered blasphemous to some and shocking to almost everyone of that time. This teaching was the seed that grew into the current state of our culture where men and women should be treated as equals. I understand that we are not there yet, but it least in our western society, most would agree that is a standard to work towards. Paul was instructing us to love each other like God, through Jesus, loved us. Jesus gave us everything, including his life, and expected nothing in return. We are called to do the same with the people we know, and especially with our spouses. Click here for the full message series. This content was taken from the second message.
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