Friday, August 7, 2020

Lions or Tigers or Bears


King Darius needed some help managing his kingdom.  He appointed three administrators to assist him.  One of those administrators, Daniel, showed a lot of promise.   So much promise, that King Darius wanted to set Daniel over the whole kingdom.  The other administrators were envious and worked to find some dirt on Daniel that would subvert the king's plans.  Finding none, they suggested that the king issue a decree that anyone who prayed to a god or person other than the king would be thrown into the lion's den.  Hearing this, Daniel went to his room and prayed to the God of Israel, as he had always done before.  When he was found out, the king announced that per the decree, Daniel would be thrown into the lion's den, but he told Daniel, "may the God that you serve continually rescue you."   The next morning the king ran to the den to see if Daniel was alright.  Daniel emerged unharmed.  The men who had falsely accused Daniel were thrown into the lion's den with their families, and all were slaughtered.  The king then issued a new decree:  "May you prosper greatly.  You must fear and have reverence for the God of Daniel, for he is the living God and endures forever."

Keep the faith.

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