Friday, September 4, 2020

Q is for Question

 I learned some new words this morning:  QAnon, 4chan and cabal.  I am not too great at social media.  If I were, perhaps I would have known these words earlier.  I think I may be happy that I made it this long without them.  So for any of you that are as disconnected as I am, QAnon is a conspiracy theory started by a poster, Q, on an an anonymous message board, 4chan, that claims that a cabal of satanic pedophiles running a child prostitution ring will be taken down in a day of reckoning.  Qanon followers believe members of the cabal are Hollywood celebrities, members of the news media and powerful politicians, mostly democrats.  So why give QAnon even a moment's notice in this post or others like it?  It is now thought that there are hundreds of thousands of people following the theory, and regrettably, some of them claim to be Christians.  Some of the QAnon theories have even worked themselves into church leadership and the pulpit causing some churches to split over divided loyalties.  It breaks my heart to see people hurting so bad that they will crave anything that might explain why they are hurting.  I am broken, too.   I have craved other things besides Jesus, too.  But I am convinced nothing can help me but Him.  If you have more curiosity and more time, I found that this recent video helped to increase my understanding.

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