Friday, April 23, 2021


This week in our ConnectGroup from church we were talking about adoption.   Most of us know families that have adopted children when they weren't able to have children of their own.  But now, more and more often, families who have their own natural children are choosing to adopt as well.  When I was growing up, I regrettably viewed the bond between parents and adopted children as somewhat inferior to the bond between parents and their natural children - something weaker.  I'm sure any of those parents could have corrected me.   Now that I think about it, parents who choose to adopt might have more at stake in that decision than the decision to have a naturally-born child, especially if the naturally-born child is "unplanned".   The sacrifice made to adopt is usually huge.  God offers us the opportunity to be his adopted sons and daughters.  And He made the ultimate sacrifice when He let his begotten son die for each one of us.  Thank God.

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