I had never heard of "the hypostatic union" until last week. The root, hypostasis, has both a medical and philosophical meaning. The philosophical meaning has to do with the "underlying qualities or substance". The hypostatic union is used by Christians to describe the fact that Jesus was both fully human and fully divine. That is a hard concept for most of us to fully comprehend. In trying to understand something difficult, we often try to compare it to something that is more familiar. Last night in our ConnectGroup, we talked about a marriage being a commitment between two people. The people are still both individuals, but the marriage is also a unique thing on its own. A child is formed from the physical union of a man and woman. The child is a unique being on its own, but the genetic material from both parents still resides within every cell of the child. I love that God reveals His nature to us in His creation, which we have the joy and honor of being a part of.
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