When you were a kid, did you ever wish you could make one of your dolls come to life? Maybe it was a GI Joe or a Barbie (I am not suggesting what I played with, or who should play with which. I know that is taboo these days.) Let's just pretend you could have done that. It's quite possible that the doll would not have been at all interested in being human. They might much prefer to stay plastic like their plastic friends. They might fight tooth and nail to keep you from ruining their precious plastic, for that is all that they have ever known. Now what you might have done about that rebellion, I don't know, but when God looked down on his creation, He knew exactly what to do. He made himself human, so that he could come to our world and show us what each of us was intended to be. And He didn't enter the world as a King, but as a pauper. One that was despised by some and betrayed by those closest to him, and was then executed on a cross. But his execution was not the end, because he returned to Earth, both fully human and fully God. And then it was complete. One man (one doll) had now come fully alive connecting himself with all of humanity and with God simultaneously. But here is where the analogy breaks down. If the doll had successfully come to life, it's quite possible that none of the other dolls would care. But when God came to Earth as man, he was immediately connected to all of us, not just at that one moment in time, but from the beginning of time to eternity. I hope you feel connected.
For any of you that have read C. S. Lewis's, Mere Christianity, you will recognize this story. It is all his. I just changed the names to protect the innocent and shortened it so that more people might take a moment to read. I hope I didn't butcher it too bad. If you have another 7 minutes, listen to his words here.
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