In my quiet time this morning, I was thinking of this upcoming weekend and the importance of Easter. My nature is to try to uncover some new and unique way to share that with you. And in trying to find that, I came across this: a man, standing in the center of a stadium, in Baton Rouge, in the rain, with thousands of people listening, sitting in the rain, in 1970. I would have been 9 years old that year, going to church, with my pastel shorts and shirt and Easter basket in tow. I'm sure I would have heard the Easter story, but not understood it like I understand it today. My complete reason for being on this Earth, is to know God, believe in Him, and follow Him through the example of his Son, Jesus. None of that would be possible without Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection three days later. 52 years later, I may want to find some new and exciting way to celebrate Easter, but God's message is unchangeable, and I believe one of God's greatest vessels of all time is Billy Graham. I hope you will find 27 minutes between now and Easter Sunday to be inspired.
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