Thursday, July 28, 2022


Last month, Caroline and I had the opportunity to visit Montana for the wedding of Stevie and Abby Crawford.  Stevie is the son of one of my close friends, and he met Abby while in school at Montana State. They met while both attending an event sponsored by Navigators. Navigators has been around since 1933, and their mission is to spread the good news of Jesus through life-to-life discipleship.  Navigators has had a huge impact on Abby's life, and she has decided to dedicate the next year of her life to the organization. Caroline and I were impressed with her and her story and have decided to help sponsor her first year.  If you would like to know more about Navigators, click here or feel free to contact me.

Thursday, July 21, 2022


So many people are struggling. Whether it is poor health, financial instability, wayward kids or death of friends or family members., it seems like pain is almost everywhere.  I sometimes feel guilty for the blessings God has poured out on me and my family.  I recognize hard times will come for me too.    Praying doesn't guarantee fast fixes to our problems, but just the process of presenting our requests to God can be healing. For those struggling right now, I pray for peace.  And I pray for a breakthrough - in Jesus' name.   I listened closely to this song by Katy Nichole for the first time today.  I encourage you to do the same.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

men in black


For all those born after 1990, men in black, probably conjures up images of Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones from the 1997 hit movie of the same name.  Those born even later may think of Ed Harris's character in Westworld. Whatever the case, "men in black" does usually seem to be an expression of masculinity.  But what society deems masculine seems to be morphing over time.  The media  seems to paint masculinity with a "I'm so great.  You can't touch me."  air about it.  I don't hold anything against the celebrities mentioned above, but the original man in black, was Johnny Cash.  He almost always wore black and wrote the song by the same name.  Johnny was a star, but there was plenty about him that wasn't perfect.  He had a tough life in many ways.  The difference with him was his humility.  He knew he wasn't perfect.  He didn't see himself as God's gift to the world, but he saw God's grace as the greatest gift he had ever been given.  I'd like to know a few more men in black like Johnny.  

(These are my words, but they were inspired by this article if you want to read more.)

Thursday, July 7, 2022

No More Running


We were all sickened by the massacre in Highland Park,  IL at a July 4th parade killing 7 people.   One two year old toddler arrived at the parade with two parents and left with none.  They were both killed.   I watched this interview of a mom who was also at the parade with her husband and 2 year old son.  They escaped physically unharmed, but mentally changed for life.  Her plea is impassioned but controlled, calling for us all to do something.  I have struggled with what to do.  I have friends that are gun advocates, but it is more than obvious that assault weapons in the wrong hands lead to innocent people being killed senselessly. As the mom in the video was laying her 2 year old down for his nap on the afternoon of the 4th, he looked up at her and said "no more running".   I can't imagine how I would feel if this were one of my grandchildren.