Thursday, March 7, 2024

Well Done


Women have been fighting for fair treatment since the beginning of time.  Some would say that we have made some progress and others would say the problem is worse than ever.  Christians should be the ones leading the charge, but regrettably, there are plenty of us who have either offended women or not taken a strong enough stand for them.  Shining a light on our shortcomings cannot dim what Jesus did.  On a hot day, Jesus sat by a well as a woman approached and asked her for a drink.  She was surprised because she was a Samaritan - and she was a woman.  Jewish men would not typically start conversations with either.  Also, Jesus knew that she had been married 5 times and was currently living with a man she was not married to.  None of this would keep Jesus from talking to her with the goal of helping her, not condemning her.  Dear God, please help me to be more like Jesus today.

Click here for a short video illustrating the story.

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