If you clicked on the GettingDeeper link looking for the SpotOnTheLake Water Depth Guide, this ain’t it. This blog gives our lake community, and anyone else that might be interested, a chance to share ideas about things that matter.
Thursday, June 27, 2024
The Cost of Independence
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Pirate Plunder
For the past 9 summers, scalawags have descended on Lake Hartwell to enjoy the bounty of their hard work from the previous year. Regrettably, one Captain Hook, has sought to spoil their celebration by stealing their treasure. The scalawags begin a relentless pursuit to find Captain Hook and recover their rightful plunder. No stone is left unturned, tracking him by land and boat. Other activities include crafts, tubing, a limbo contest, cliff jumping and lunch on the scalawag dock - and that was just day one. This year 11 scalawags were old enough to attend, and the oldest have been promoted to senior scalawag status. 6 of them come from my bloodline, and the other 5 from the bloodline of some close friends. I believe I have reported this in the past, but these three days are some of the most exhausting, but three of the most important days of the year for me. Isn't that how it usually works? For some video coverage from yesterday, check out my facebook page.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Acts Like Him
I am reading through Acts now and came across the account of Stephen's short time on earth. After Jesus' death, the disciples are busy spreading the story of His death and His resurrection. The physical needs of the people saving others and those being saved were growing exponentially, and someone needed to be responsible for distributing food to all of them. Stephen was chosen to lead this important ministry, but Stephen was also known for his unquenchable desire to tell people about Jesus. The rulers of the area were threatened by his words and many wanted him dead.
Thursday, June 6, 2024
I'm not very good at sitting still (or standing still). And if I am sitting still, the television is probably on. Even if it is only on in the background, it is there. I have been encouraged by multiple people that I respect to find time to sit still in the quiet and focus on who God is. When I do that, I have felt renewed and at peace. I listened to this worship song this morning for the first time. I love this prayer put to music: "I breathe you in. Come fill me Holy Spirit with your mighty rushing wind. Flood me with Your living water. Rush through me now 'til my soul overflows." The idea of inviting the Holy Spirit inside me until I am so full that it overflows to others is a beautiful word picture. I have so far to go. Thank God for his patience with me. Now, let me sit in silence and invite Him in. I hope you will do the same.