Thursday, June 13, 2024

Acts Like Him

I am reading through Acts now and came across the account of Stephen's short time on earth.   After Jesus' death, the disciples are busy spreading the story of His death and His resurrection.  The physical needs of the people saving others and those being saved were growing exponentially, and someone needed to be responsible for distributing food to all of them.  Stephen was chosen to lead this important ministry, but Stephen was also known for his unquenchable desire to tell people about Jesus.    The rulers of the area were threatened by his words and many wanted him dead.

Even in the face of hate and danger, he continued to proclaim the good news.  Stephen was dragged from the city and stoned to death, becoming the first known martyr as a follower of Jesus.  His final words were "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Lord, do now hold this sin against them."  I pray that I will someday have an ounce of Stephen's courage.

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