If you clicked on the GettingDeeper link looking for the SpotOnTheLake Water Depth Guide, this ain’t it. This blog gives our lake community, and anyone else that might be interested, a chance to share ideas about things that matter.
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Something To Wine About
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
May I have the next dance?
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Thirst Quencher
As Jesus made his way from Judea to Galilee, he passed through Samaria in the middle part of the day. The heat was intense and Jesus' thirst was almost overwhelming. He found a seat near a well, but had nothing to draw the water with. A Samaritan woman was coming to the well for water, and Jesus asked her for a drink. For Jesus to speak to her was shocking for three reasons. She was a woman; she was a Samaritan, and she was a moral outcast, as she was by herself in the middle of the day, instead of taking care of her family. She challenged Jesus as to why He would speak to her, and He responded. "If you knew the gift of God, and who you were speaking with, you would have asked me for living water." Confused, she questioned, "How could you provide me with water when you have no way to get it from the well?" Jesus replied, "Whoever drinks the water from the well will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the living water will never be thirsty again." She then asks Him for the living water, but Jesus tells her to go get her husband. She confessed that she didn't have a husband, and Jesus confirmed that she has had five husbands, and she was currently sleeping with a man she wasn't married to. The woman recognized Jesus as a prophet and told Him that she knew the Messiah would come, and when he came, He would explain everything to her. Jesus declared, "I am He".
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Mental Health Crisis
Once again our country is dealing with a sick or troubled individual who has decided the appropriate response is to shoot and kill innocent people. Only this time, the incident is in my backyard. People I work with and go to church with have students at Apalachee High School. Thankfully, their children were not harmed physically, but I can't imagine what they and their families went through yesterday. The shooting will change their lives forever, and I hope and pray that they have extended family, friends and counselors that are able to provide some level of comfort. I am all for whatever we can do to make schools safer, but I have to believe if someone is that sick, they will find a way to act on their impulse, even if it is outside of a school at some other less protected venue. I think our only hope is to do a better job recognizing and addressing the mental health issues that are leading to these tragedies. I am not an expert, but I did find these resources for help: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and Crisis Services at the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health. If you are struggling with anything, I would welcome a call at 678-469-9917.