Thursday, September 21, 2017


Our Connect Group from church met last night for our first session focused on improving our marriage.  Last night we focused on the husbands.  Many men like to skip directly to the last half of Ephesians 5:24 where it says:  "wives should submit to their husbands in everything", conveniently skipping the surrounding verses.  It turns out that we are responsible for giving our wives something worthy of submitting to, and that is no small order.  Paul directs us to love our wives like Christ loved the church, and it just so happened that Christ was nailed to the cross for the the church, and for each one of us.  Now, I believe that many men would say that if they had to die to save their wife's life, they would do it, and I believe many would.  But the death that each of us must face is a daily death - a death to our own wants and desires with intense focus on what it is that our wives need.  I am sad to say that I fall short of this every day.  I know I have some serious work to do before I could ever expect to be worthy of my wife's submission.

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