Thursday, January 30, 2020

Unshakable Faith

“Be patient, don’t cry, don’t worry. But thank God for everything.”  These are the words of Lawan Andimi, who was executed by Boko Haram in Nigeria last week.   Nigeria is said to be the second most dangerous country in the world for Christians to live.  Boko Haram is the jihadist terrorist group in Western Africa responsible for Andimi's execution.  Boko Haram was founded in 2002 and was mostly non-violent in the beginning.  With the goal of purifying Islam in northern Nigeria, their motives turned to violence in 2009 when they started an armed rebellion against the government of Nigeria.  Since then, they have killed tens of thousands and displaced 2.3 million people from their homes.  The pain and devastation caused by this group is heartbreaking, and it sickens me to know that they are doing it in the name of their god.  I am thankful for Mr. Andimi whose faith was strong even during his abduction.   His video has been an inspiration to tens of thousands of others.

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