Thursday, February 6, 2020

Weaving our way

Our ConnectGroup from church met at our home last night to kick off the winter/spring season. We are reading Ravi Zacharias's book, The Grand Weaver.  He introduces the book by telling about something he witnessed when he was traveling to Bangladesh. Bangladesh is known for producing the colorful saris that women in that region wear. The saris are made of a special muslin called jamdani, and are hand woven by families in the area.   Ravi saw a father and son at work creating the jamdani. The father took the lead managing multiple spools of brightly colored threads and feeding them to the son who completed the weaving process under his father's direction. There are no templates for the final design, except for the template in the father's mind. The longer the pair work together, the more the son is able to anticipate the father's direction. The image of the father leading the son to create something uniquely beautiful is a great picture of how God wants to lead us every day of our lives. I look forward to seeing how Ravi can help our group see that more clearly in the weeks to come. To see more about the jamdani weaving process, click here.

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