Thursday, December 5, 2013

Coming Out

I love my small group from church that meets on Tuesday nights.  There are a lot of smart people there, and I love to listen to them.  One of those people is Dan.  He is like the EF Hutton guy.  When he talks, people get quiet and listen.  This week, Dan mentioned that he had heard that Kirsten Powers, a Fox News commentator, had recently announced  her “coming out”.   I don’t watch Fox News, so I had never heard of her.  This has to be one of the most amazing stories I have heard this year.   If you have time to read and watch, read the article here and watch the follow up interview here.  It may not be what you expect from a Fox News commentator.

1 comment:

  1. What? A liberal, Democratic, intelligent woman who is a Christian? C-r-a-z-y! ;-)
