Friday, December 11, 2020

Jealous with a Z

One of the more puzzling traits of God is that He is a jealous guy.  Jealousy in today's world is almost always considered a sin, so how can a sinless God also be a jealous God?   We think of jealousy as an unwarranted desire for something that isn't ours.  Envy is another word describing that feeling. Well, it turns out jealousy hasn't always been used that way.  "Jealousy" came from the Greek word "zeal" which meant "to seek, request, desire" and biblically, "tolerating no unfaithfulness".  One author described it like this.  If you are at a party, and you see someone flirting with your spouse,  that feeling of jealousy is like righteous jealousy because you are the only one that has the right to flirt with your spouse.  That resembles God's jealousy for us.  When He sees us flirting with the world, and not giving Him the attention He deserves, He is jealous, as He is the only one deserving of our attention.  I want to do a better job of finding ways to give Him what He deserves.

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