Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Year's Resolutions

Another 365.25 days pass, and the earth completes one more revolution around the sun.  Revolution (1) - the time taken for a celestial body to make a complete round in its orbit.  A second definition of the word revolution is "a sudden, radical or complete change".   For the year 2020, most of us are hoping that the newly released Covid-19 vaccination will create a revolution of sorts against the virus.  I always take the time around New Year's to consider how I can make the next year better than the last.  Ideas almost always include health-related items like losing weight and exercising more.  I definitely want to read and learn more, and sometimes I think about committing to a new skill like golf or learning a new musical instrument.  Those are tough.  This year, I am thinking about something different.  What if instead of tired resolutions, I could start a personal revolution. A third definition for revolution is "a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something".  In 2021, for every day, I want to think of others more, think of God more - and think of myself less.  That will be a revolution worth celebrating in 365.25 days.  Happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Happy Day, Tom!!! Enjoy Reading Your Heart of Love to Others!!! Jesus is the Reason for ALL Seasons!!! Thank You for ALL You Share & Have a Blessed 2021...Going to be a Life Changer!!! Much Love to You & Yours!!! Bettye
