Another 365.25 days pass, and the earth completes one more revolution around the sun. Revolution (1) - the time taken for a celestial body to make a complete round in its orbit. A second definition of the word revolution is "a sudden, radical or complete change". For the year 2020, most of us are hoping that the newly released Covid-19 vaccination will create a revolution of sorts against the virus. I always take the time around New Year's to consider how I can make the next year better than the last. Ideas almost always include health-related items like losing weight and exercising more. I definitely want to read and learn more, and sometimes I think about committing to a new skill like golf or learning a new musical instrument. Those are tough. This year, I am thinking about something different. What if instead of tired resolutions, I could start a personal revolution. A third definition for revolution is "a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something". In 2021, for every day, I want to think of others more, think of God more - and think of myself less. That will be a revolution worth celebrating in 365.25 days. Happy New Year.
Oh Happy Day, Tom!!! Enjoy Reading Your Heart of Love to Others!!! Jesus is the Reason for ALL Seasons!!! Thank You for ALL You Share & Have a Blessed 2021...Going to be a Life Changer!!! Much Love to You & Yours!!! Bettye