I love the feeling I get at the end of the year of closing something out and starting something new. It's kind of like finishing the end of a gallon of milk in the refrigerator so I can throw it away and make room for something else. The end of the year is the one time I look over successes and failures from the previous year (personal and business) and make plans to be better in the coming year. I would guess my goals aren't that different from most other people - eat less, exercise more, read more, learn more, spend more time with family and friends, work less, produce more. One of the other goals that I always have, but am terrible at achieving is to spend more time quiet - not working, not watching TV, not listening to music - just quiet. Being quiet should give me more time to listen, and I think that should be good for me. Some of the other goals come easier to me, so I think I will focus on that one this year. I think I will do that right now.
If you clicked on the GettingDeeper link looking for the SpotOnTheLake Water Depth Guide, this ain’t it. This blog gives our lake community, and anyone else that might be interested, a chance to share ideas about things that matter.
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Thursday, December 23, 2021
There were shepherds camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God’s angel stood among them and God’s glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David’s town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you’re to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger.” At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God’s praises: "Glory to God in the heavenly heights, Peace to all men and women on earth who please him." Luke 2: 8-12 (The Message)
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Funeral Favor
Caroline and I are taking an unexpected trip to Durham, NC this week. Regrettably, it is to attend the funeral for our Uncle Dicky. Dicky's wife, Delma, passed away earlier this year, and now Dicky is with her again. He missed her desperately. His world revolved around her, and she took great care of him always, but even more as his health was failing. After her death, I got to see his daughter-in-law, Tanya, step in and take charge of his care, along with help from the rest of the family and some professional help. While all of us will miss Dicky, I am comforted knowing that his health is restored and he has been reunited with the love of his life. I used to dread funerals. But as time goes on, I have found a way to see the beauty in a family's love on full display, and the love of God for all of us. He will be there with us at the funeral - and always.
Thursday, December 9, 2021
The Temptations
When Jesus was tempted by Satan, I always assumed that He had a choice as to whether to sin or not, but He chose not to. Jesus IS fully human. W.G.T. Shedd wrote, "When the logos goes into union with a human nature, so as to constitute a single person with it, He becomes responsible for all that this person does through the instrumentality of this nature...Should Jesus Christ sin, incarnate God would sin." And we know that is impossible. I have know way to know if Shedd is right or wrong, but his body or work pretty much ensures he knows better than me. So, if we know that Satan's temptation of Jesus could not result in Him sinning, what is the point of the temptation? I believe God wants us to know Satan is real and that Satan's main purpose is to lead us away from God through sin. By Jesus taking on flesh, he wanted to experience all that we will experience and demonstrate to us how to resist temptation and encourage us that we can. Some will say, "how could He have experienced what we do if He was God?" Fair question. I hope I get to ask Him one day. Until then, I will keep trying to understand.
Friday, December 3, 2021
He Gets Us
Christians frequently get a bad wrap. And a lot of times we deserve it. Believers in Jesus are sinners that want to be better. We want to become more like Him, but we will never make it, until we see him face to face. The Servant Foundation is a non-profit organization that wants those who don't know Jesus to understand this about us. They recently released a media campaign to help paint a different picture of who Jesus is. Take 30 seconds to see an example of what they are up to, and click here for more information on The Servant Foundation and their work.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Thanks For Giving
Tomorrow we celebrate Thanksgiving. I have a lot to celebrate. I have my mom of 90 years next door to me. I have my brothers and their families nearby. I have my wife of 38 years right next to me. I have my 2 children, their spouses and their 7 children that will be joining us for a couple of days over the holiday. In addition to family, I have my friends and my work. I am especially thankful for Janet who has been working with me for 14 years and has proven to be an invaluable part of the Spot On The Lake team. I thank God for the people that He has put into my life and for sending His son Jesus to die for my sins.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Addicted To Love
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Fear what?
Last night in our ConnectGroup, we discussed the emotions of Jesus. There are references in the Bible to Jesus feeling the emotions of happiness, sadness, anger and compassion. The author of the book we are reading, Knowing Christ, did not mention the emotion of fear. So while we could think of no direct mention of Jesus being fearful, we have to suspect that Jesus, being fully human, experienced fear. But Jesus told us to "fear not", so is fear a sin? We believe the emotion of fear is not a sin, but our response to it can be. It is right for us to fear an approaching train as our car is stalled on the railroad track. We should do something. But our response to fear can often be sin. If we don't do the hard things we know we should do out of fear, that is a sin. The Bible also tells us to fear God, but for a believer, fearing God means to have a healthy reverence for his power and strength. We can't fully surrender to Him without that. That reverence for Him should push us towards Him when we are feeling fearful.
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Pain Relief
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Spirit Sighting
The Trinity is one of the great mysteries of the Christian faith. The Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three - but one. It is something I will not fully understand while on this earth, but I want to try. It's easier for me to think of the three as separate. The Father is the Creator. The Son is Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is the part of God inside each one of us believers. But last night in our ConnectGroup, we talked about how the Holy Spirit has a bigger role to play than that. The Holy Spirit came upon the virgin, Mary, to create Jesus in her womb. The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove at his baptism by John. The Holy Spirit anointed Jesus as King, Teacher, and Miracle Worker. The Holy Spirit comforted Jesus as he was tempted by Satan. The Holy Spirit sustained Jesus after his bodily death on the cross and was the power that resurrected Him from the grave. So while I have always thought of the Holy Spirit as the person of God that is within me, the Holy Spirit was also in and around Jesus giving Him all He needed to claim the title, Prince of Peace. As important, since the Holy Spirit dwelled within Jesus, Jesus was able to fully reflect how it should look for the Holy Spirit to dwell within each of us. While I may not fully understand on this earth, I know God is pleased when we try.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Another Lion King
Thursday, October 14, 2021
DIY - with a little help
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Pause Button?
In the Fall of 2019, I was browsing upcoming concerts and saw that Lauren Daigle was coming to Atlanta in April of 2020. I purchased tickets for me and Caroline. That same month, Lauren was performing one of her newest songs in Wichita, Kansas for the first time ever. Fast forward several months to March of 2020, and we were disappointed that the April concert was being postponed until Fall of 2020, and then again to Spring of 2021 and then again to Fall of 2021. Caroline and I attended the concert last Thursday night. It was beautiful. The highlight of the concert was a "new" song that Lauren first performed in 2019, but didn't release until 2021 - Hold On To Me. In some ways, it's like the pause button was hit for a year and a half. In other ways, it's like we have been changed uniquely and permanently. Listen to Hold On To Me here and hear the rest of the back story here.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Hypostatically speaking
I had never heard of "the hypostatic union" until last week. The root, hypostasis, has both a medical and philosophical meaning. The philosophical meaning has to do with the "underlying qualities or substance". The hypostatic union is used by Christians to describe the fact that Jesus was both fully human and fully divine. That is a hard concept for most of us to fully comprehend. In trying to understand something difficult, we often try to compare it to something that is more familiar. Last night in our ConnectGroup, we talked about a marriage being a commitment between two people. The people are still both individuals, but the marriage is also a unique thing on its own. A child is formed from the physical union of a man and woman. The child is a unique being on its own, but the genetic material from both parents still resides within every cell of the child. I love that God reveals His nature to us in His creation, which we have the joy and honor of being a part of.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Smile Big
For those of us lucky enough to be parents, we all have times when we look back over our children's lives and find memories that we are especially proud of. It doesn't get much better than seeing one of your kids sacrifice themselves for the good of someone else. I can think of multiple instances with both of my kids where this happened. This week in our ConnectGroup meeting, we talked about the question that God the Father asked of his Son. "Will you strip yourself of the power and authority due to you, put on human flesh and go live among our creation to show them how I intended for them to live? By the way, while you are there, you will be ridiculed, rejected, and despised. Then they will drive stakes through your wrists as they nail you to a cross where you will suffer the most excruciating (derived from Latin: "out of the cross") death imaginable. " I hadn't considered before that Jesus had to accept the covenant request from God. It gets pretty complicated if you consider the trinity and know that the Three are One. But here is what I do know. I love that Jesus accepting the covenant from God mirrors our adoption into the family of God when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. I can only imagine the joy that God the Father had for his Son as Jesus accepted the covenant to give all of Himself for us.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Ken, Barbie and Joe
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Something Worth Remembering
Football is back. And after almost two years of limited football with very limited onsite fans, it may be hard to remember where you were or what you were doing 2 years ago. But this Saturday, every one of us will remember where we were 20 years ago on that date. I had just returned on Sunday from a trip to New York City to see the US Open with Caroline. While we were there, we talked about going down to the World Trade Center, as I had never been there before, and Caroline had been only once when she was very young. We elected not to go thinking it would be a great place to visit when we had our kids with us. On that following Tuesday, I was at work at Cap, Gemini, Ernst and Young on the 14th floor of our building on Northridge Road in Atlanta when I saw some of my coworkers standing around a television in the conference room. The terror that followed was unfathomable. Who could have imagined that 48 hours after being in New York, that the World Trade Center buildings would be rubble and thousands of people would be dead. The terrorists committing the attacks hoped to tear our country apart, but most believe that the country was more united than ever after 9/11. We all struggled to understand how something so evil could happen and many of us went to God for comfort. While answers were slow to come for me, my searching did bring me closer to Him. Billy Graham left this earth three and a half years ago, but his legacy of faith will remain with us forever. I hope you take time to listen to his message of hope delivered just a few days after 9/11/01.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Purely pursuant
We began our fall semester of ConnectGroup last night. We are reading and discussing Mark Jones' book, Knowing Christ. Mark is an author and pastor of Faith Presbyterian Church in Vancouver. His studies of theology have included works by John Owen, a Puritan pastor living in England in the 16th century. John Owen followed Martin Luther in attempting to purify the church from anything extraneous that had been added to Christianity by those in power in church and state. I'm not sure what images "Puritans" bring to mind for you, but most of what I know has been shaped by TV and movies - people dressed funny and never having any fun. It turns out, they were some of the most joy-filled people around. I look forward to learning more about the one true joy that they were pursuing - knowing Christ more.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
The Blessing
Thursday, August 19, 2021
At the age of 8, Ali Ehsani was terrorized as Islamic extremists murdered his mother and father in Afghanistan. His family was one of thousands of families that practiced Christianity in that country, and his parents were sought out and killed for their belief. Ehsani spent the next 5 years fleeing the country and making his way to Rome. Since that time, he has dedicated much of his life to helping Christians in Afghanistan. Ehsani befriended another Afghan Christrian living in Rome who had escaped as well. His friend's family is still in Afghanistan, and the friend's father has recently been arrested and separated from the rest of the family. Ehsani has been reaching out to Pope Francis in an attempt to gather any available resources to assist this family and others who are trapped under the Taliban regime. Pope Francis made this appeal just hours before the Taliban takeover of Kabul, “I join in the unanimous concern for the situation in Afghanistan. I ask all of you to pray with me to the God of peace, so that the clamor of weapons might cease and solutions can be found at the table of dialogue”. I join him in praying. For the complete story as reported in the Washington Post, click here.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Just A Farm Boy From Idaho
1. getting to the heart of what's needed for a project, and what
2. designing, implementing and launching a prototype to market quickly
3. connecting technical direction with the real goals of a business
4. getting a whole team's work accomplished with only me on the job
5. working on or leading a team
These life skills have
paid off for him. Neal Harmon is the founder of Angel Studios which has
produced the highly regarded TV Series, The Chosen. The Chosen takes
stories from the Bible and brings them to life. The Chosen is
different from other TV Series in that it was crowdfunded. Angel
investors and the public pay it forward so that the studio can produce content
that is not controlled like it is in traditional production companies. It
inspires me to see men and women use what they have and what they know to help
build God's kingdom here on Earth.
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Fight like a girl
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Photo Credit: Tim Clayton/Corbis/Getty Images |
At the 2016 Olympics, Helen Maroulis became the first USA athlete to win a gold medal in wrestling. She handed the defeat to Saori Yoshida, who had been the world champion 13 times previous to that match. In 2017, she won the world championship in Paris, but in 2018, her wrestling world crumbled as she was diagnosed with multiple concussions and PTSD. Her recovery and questions about her return to wrestling dominated her thinking for the next year. But, there was a phrase that she remembered when she was battling Yoshida in the 2016 Olympics. "Christ is in me. I am enough." I, for one, will be cheering on Helen this coming week as she competes in the 2020 Olympics. Check out this video for more on Helen.
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Pirate Party
My real estate business at Lake Hartwell keeps me pretty busy. I love what I do, but I sometimes feel like I do a bad job of enjoying the lifestyle I am selling. For the past several years, Caroline and I have joined up with good friends to host Pirate Camp for our older grandkids. We have 8 pirates this year. This is an anything goes, "just say yes", 3-day event. It takes a significant amount of planning, and I count it as one of the most important things I do all year. I hope that when they grow up and think back on their time with us, that the memories we make at Pirate Camp will be top of mind.
Friday, July 16, 2021
The Jesus Music
Friday, July 9, 2021
After The Fireworls
Friday, July 2, 2021
Friday, June 25, 2021
Anniversary Present
38 years ago today at 7:20 AM, Caroline and I were making final preparations for our wedding ceremony. The night before, our families had gathered at the Rankin House in Columbus, GA to celebrate a successful wedding rehearsal. My dad was the host, and I remember him saying, "Tonight, we will be having desert Russian-style - Wanavich" (one of each) - maybe the first dad-joke I can remember. At the wedding, I remember Rick McNight, the organist, playing the most triumphant "Here comes the bride" that I had ever heard, and seeing Caroline at the end of the aisle brought tears to my eyes. The ceremony proceeded as planned, with the reception following in the church fellowship hall. We made our way to Atlanta to spend the night before flying to Nassau for our honeymoon. The rest, shall we say, is history. Today, at 7:26AM, we wait in anticipation for our daughter, Lizzy, to bring our 7th grandchild into the world. We aren't allowed inside the hospital today, but we are on alert and plan to meet her on Sunday. God has blessed us tremendously, and today, I think Him for bringing Caroline into my life. Happy Anniversary, Caroline.
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Son's tribute
This week is Father's Day. I hope I get celebrated and have a chance to celebrate my son and son-in-law. My dad died 18 years ago. I miss him. I can't think of a better tribute than to post what I said at his memorial service. I hope you have a chance to celebrate some dads this Sunday.
One of my first memories of my dad was when he took me to try out for a stage production of the Music Man at the Springer Theatre in Columbus. He was cast as Ali Hakim and I as Winthrop, the 10-year old with a lisp. I had no idea at the time how that day would shape my life by initiating my love for the performing arts. One of my favorite photographs is of me and my dad after our last performance. I remember the pride of standing there with him after the show greeting family and friends who had seen the performance. My father wanted to be with me.
In the play, I was supposed to play the trumpet. I remember the anticipation of getting the instrument that would serve as my prop for the play, just as the character, Winthrop, anticipated the arrival of the Wells Fargo Wagon in River City. It was then that I decided I would really learn to play the trumpet when I got into the sixth grade and it was in sixth grade that I made eyes at the flute player, sitting across the band room, who 10 years later became my wife. I remember the joy I felt standing at the front of St. Paul Methodist Church, as the doors opened and Rick McKnight began playing the most triumphant version of the Wedding march that you have ever heard as Caroline walked the aisle. Dad was my best man.
My father wanted to be with me.
Shortly thereafter, very shortly thereafter, I remember the joy of seeing Dad holding our newborn Michael in his arms and three years later, Elizabeth.
My father wanted to be with me.
Another place I remember Dad taking me when I was young was to First Presbyterian Church. I don’t want to paint a picture of the whole family sitting together listening attentively and singing joyfully. I’m sure Mom and Dad were, but I was in the balcony throwing paper airplanes over the rail. I don’t remember it being a particularly spiritual experience. However, while at First Pres., I became close to the youth pastor, Eli Whiddon, who took us every year to Camp Kolomoki in South Georgia for a week each summer. It was on one of those trips that I accepted Jesus as my lord and savior. I was far from being an angel, but at that moment, I was a child of God.
6 years ago, my son, Michael found a new church for our family and Caroline and I had the opportunity to bring music back into our life. All of us became involved in the church orchestra and two years ago, I was responsible for a patriotic music program that required quite a bit of planning. I remember keeping Mom and Dad posted on the plans hoping that they would attend and feeling disappointed that they hadn’t committed to being there. 10 minutes before the performance began, Caroline called me to the lobby of the sanctuary as I was trying to make last minute preparations and there stood Mom and Dad. They had worked with Caroline to surprise me.
My father wanted to be with me.
Another memory I have of my dad was something he said every day to my Mom. Before he would leave for work, he would say “Pat, is there anything I can do for you today?” I never remember her having anything for him, - and I remember being surprised that he continued to ask her the question even though she never had anything for him to do. She had already taken care of everything. However, his example of putting her first created a model for my marriage which I strive for, but fall short of every day. But despite my failure, I am able to say that I know I will love Caroline forever.
Over the past six weeks, Dad and I talked about things that we had never talked about before. We held hands for hours at a time. The love that I felt pouring from him was most certainly a gift from God. I can still see the look of excitement on his face as we arrived to spend time with him.
My father wanted to be with me.
Last Tuesday I was with a group of friends and I shared with them the experience that I had been through with Dad. One of the guys approached me after the meeting and told me how much he appreciated what I had said, and told me that it had encouraged him to start a conversation with a loved one that he had been putting off. I asked if it was his Mom or his Dad, and he told me, “Its not my mom or dad, its my wife”. It was then that I understood more fully the power of the holy spirit that is within each person who knows Christ as the Son of God.
My father wants to be with me, and I with him.
While my words today are very personal, they are not original. They have been laid out for all of us for thousands of years.
Happy Father's Day
Friday, June 11, 2021
Abraham is instructed by God to present his only son, Isaac, as a living sacrifice to demonstrate Abraham's obedience. Abraham tells Isaac that they are going to Moriah to make a sacrifice, carrying the wood for the fire along with them. Isaac asks, "I see the wood for the fire, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice." Abraham answered, "God will provide that." When they arrived at Moriah, Abraham bound Isaac and laid him on the altar." An angel of the Lord called out to Abraham, "Do not lay a hand on that boy. Now that I see you wouldn't withhold your only son, I know that you fear God." Abraham called the place Jehovah-Jireh which means "On the mountain of the Lord it shall be provided". Abraham's near sacrifice of his only son foreshadows God's sacrifice of His only son, Jesus. The name Jehovah-Jireh is used for God to remind us that He will provide all we need and more than we can imagine. Take 10 minutes and join Elevation Worship for their declaration of this amazing promise from God.
Friday, June 4, 2021
Performance Identity
Friday, May 28, 2021
So Much More
For me, Memorial Day weekend represents the kick-off to summer and a chance to get together with family at the lake. That's all great, but I understand that the Day is supposed to be so much more, and for many it is. I don't have any close friends or family members that have died serving our country. If I did, I'm sure I would be thinking of them this weekend. I am thankful for all those that have served and given everything so that I can live freely. In an effort to try to internalize that, I looked for some additional inspiration and found this video. If you take a few minutes to watch, I hope it will be meaningful for you. I would love to hear about how Memorial Day is made personal to you.
Friday, May 21, 2021
Road to Somewhere
Our small group from church wrapped up our study of J.I. Packer's Knowing God this week. Packer ends the book by stating that Paul's letter to the Romans is the pinnacle book of the Bible, and that Chapter 8, is the pinnacle of that book. The world we live in leads us into seeking immediate gratification with our thought life skipping from one thing to the next without landing anywhere of significance. One of God's gifts to us is scripture. It is a road map for how to live our lives with greater joy and peace. Packer challenged us to read, meditate on and memorize scripture. I accept the challenge and have committed to just 15 minutes alone every day doing that. I think I'll start with Romans 8. I would love for you to join me.
Friday, May 14, 2021
Dirty Laundry
Friday, May 7, 2021
All Those Moms
This Sunday, we have the opportunity to honor our mothers above and beyond what we might normally do. I don't know about you, but I sometimes get a little overwhelmed with all the Moms that deserve to be honored. Everybody has a mom or had a Mom at one time or another, and there are a bunch of my family and friends that should be recognized for their roles as Moms. My daughter and daughter-in-law are the Moms to our 6.77 grandchildren (#7 due in June. Yes, I did the math.) My wife is Mom to our two children. But it's a fact that I only have one Mom, and I am so fortunate to have her living next door to me. What a blessing that is for me. I get to see her almost every day, but this Sunday is her day in my eyes. Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I love you so much.
Friday, April 23, 2021
This week in our ConnectGroup from church we were talking about adoption. Most of us know families that have adopted children when they weren't able to have children of their own. But now, more and more often, families who have their own natural children are choosing to adopt as well. When I was growing up, I regrettably viewed the bond between parents and adopted children as somewhat inferior to the bond between parents and their natural children - something weaker. I'm sure any of those parents could have corrected me. Now that I think about it, parents who choose to adopt might have more at stake in that decision than the decision to have a naturally-born child, especially if the naturally-born child is "unplanned". The sacrifice made to adopt is usually huge. God offers us the opportunity to be his adopted sons and daughters. And He made the ultimate sacrifice when He let his begotten son die for each one of us. Thank God.
Monday, April 12, 2021
Time Off
COVID-19 has caused pain and loss for so many people. I'm sure that everyone reading this knows people that have been very sick or have died. Many others have lost their jobs or suffered financial loss. Our immediate family has been relatively unscathed. The effect on us has been more of an inconvenience than anything else. One of the things that Caroline and I have missed is time off from work. We usually have at least one week a year where we turn work off and decompress. That didn't happen in 2020. I am writing this a week ahead of time, because as you are reading this, we will be having our first week off in almost 2 years. I pray that this time will be regenerative and that we will return with a renewed passion and appreciation for all that our "normal" life has to offer. I wish the same for you.
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Adopted into The family
Last night in our small group from church, we had some spirited discussion about being children of God. I had mostly considered all people to be children of God, but J. I. Packer, the author of Knowing God, has a different perspective - and his position is pretty well backed up in the Bible. While we are all God's creation, and He loves everyone, we do not become children of God until we are adopted into his family. That adoption happens when we recognize and declare that Jesus is His Son and the forgiver of our sins, and that we are choosing to do our best to follow Him. At that point we are adopted into God's family as His children and into brotherhood or sisterhood with Jesus. It may seem like semantics to some, but knowing God as Father and Jesus as Brother is both an awesome and sobering thought. I think I need to take better care.
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Another Mom
Friday, March 26, 2021
Teacher Tribute
Some of you hear about my son, Michael, quite a bit if you follow my Spot On The Lake real estate blog. Michael is my partner in the company. You may not get to hear as much about the other half of my offspring, Lizzy. Lizzy's birthday was this week, and I took a little time to reminisce about some fun memories of her. I remember her "crew" that she cheered with and did Girl Scouts with. They were inseparable for a while and enjoyed summers hopping from subdivision pool to subdivision pool. Her love for the pool developed into something more competitive as she began participating in the neighborhood swim team and then the high school swim team, where she excelled in the breast stroke. She joined the band playing the flute, but really loved leading the flagline in marching band in high school and carried that love on to lead the Redcoat flagline at UGA. She studied early childhood education at UGA (convocation photo above) and graduated into a career that gives her the opportunity to teach and mentor her students and her peers. The common thread through all of this is that she always had friends that loved her, and I know that is because she loves so well. Now she is married to Trey Joyner and has 2 beautiful girls of her own with another on the way. While I have a lot of fond memories of Lizzy, nothing gives me more pride than seeing her as Mom to those girls, helping them to know at an early age who their Creator is. She shows them how He loves us by how she loves them. I love her so much.
Friday, March 19, 2021
Common Theme
I have known David Slagle for decades and consider him one of my closest friends. His first career was in nursing, where he served his patients well. In his second career, he serves as a pastor. Caroline and I had the privilege of worshiping with him when the church was started, and he is still leading there 20 years later. His parents are now advanced in age and living at their home in the mountains of North Carolina. They are relatively independent, but David and his brothers choose to take turns staying with them to ensure they have what they need. David is still leading the church. He alternates preaching live at church with delivering the sermon by video when he is serving his parents in North Carolina. I am guessing you have recognized the common theme. David has lived a life of service. When I am struggling with a tough decision, David is one of the first ones I reach out to. When I need a good laugh, David is one of the first ones I call. I treasure his friendship and admire his life of service. To watch one of David's recent sermons, click here.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Friday, March 5, 2021
Another Virus
In 1941, Albert Camus wrote about a small French town that was devastated when a virus carried by mice spread to the townspeople and killed hundreds. At that time, the premise probably seemed fantastical to most, but after what we went through in 2020, the response would more likely be, "the virus only killed hundreds?" The thoroughly modern town was filled with people going about their business without a care in the world, seeming invincible against something as disgusting as a mouse and a virus. The virus was eventually eradicated by the hero, Dr. Rieux, and the town returned to "normal". Camus was not writing a thriller about a mythological virus. He was giving readers an analogy for his worldview that goes something like this. We are all living with a plague. All of us have nastiness buried within us, and we will all die at some unknown time though random circumstances. While we feverishly search for meaning, there is none. Life is a cruel joke, and we are only meant to endure. In a word, life is absurd. This thinking became prevalent in the last part of the 20th century and was given the name, absurdism. While that word is new to me, I see people living that philosophy of life daily. I was taught to think differently, and as I grew older, I was able to think more for myself. While plenty of things are absurd to me, I can't imagine a life where our purpose for being here is absurd. My heart aches for those that feel that way.