For Christians, yesterday was a day to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Either at home, or at a Christmas Eve service, many return to Matthew or one of the other gospels to hear the Christmas story. Most will start with Matthew 1:18 to read about the virgin Mary being visited by an angel to announce that she would give birth to the Son of God. But what about the first 17 verses of Matthew? Those verses give a genealogy of Jesus, and let's just say that if you spend a little time in the Old Testament, you will find many have quite a colorful past, including prostitutes and murderers. Why would Matthew kick-off one of the most beautiful stories ever told with an account that would seem to be so ugly? I believe it is because Matthew wanted his readers to know that Jesus came to save sinners - sinners like me. And he wasn't just born for me, he died for me. And that death paid the penalty for all of my sins - past, present and future. Praise Him.
If you clicked on the GettingDeeper link looking for the SpotOnTheLake Water Depth Guide, this ain’t it. This blog gives our lake community, and anyone else that might be interested, a chance to share ideas about things that matter.
Monday, December 23, 2024
Thursday, December 19, 2024
God's Voice
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Marie and Liz
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Chained Melody
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Tight End Legacy
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Encounters That Count
Our ConnectGroup from church had its last meeting of the season last week. Meeting with this group is one of the most important parts of my life, and I miss the time in between seasons. We had completed Tim Keller's book, Encounters with Jesus, so last night, members brought their favorite bible verses and worship songs to share with the group. As I was going through songs in preparation, I landed on three to choose from, and selected "It is well" performed by Kristene DiMarco at Bethel. I was delighted that other members chose the other two on my short list. One of those songs, I first heard at a church plant Caroline and I were involved with about 20 years ago. It affected me then and still does today. The song is "How he loves" and David Crowder was one of the first ones to make the song popular. I found this cover by a husband/wife worship team at Encounters Church in Texas. It's interesting that the church name and the title of the book we were studying both include "encounters". I hope you have an encounter with Jesus today.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Divine Election
The presidential election has dominated air time on televisions, computers, and phones for the past several months. Now that the election is over, I was curious to see how the conversation might change, and more importantly, what the best Christian response would be. Regrettably, I had a hard time finding something I could agree with - until I landed on this video from Allen Parr. I didn't know Allen before today, but I liked what he had to say. I especially liked that the 13 minute video was loaded with bible passages supporting his thoughts. He had three main points. 1) Monitor your communications. Don't communicate messages that will be divisive. Half of the people in the country will be disappointed in the outcome of the election. Those people, and all people, are children of God. 2) Put your ultimate faith in God. No human leader will be perfect and will surely disappoint us at some point. God is our King and the only one that we can trust in completely. 3) Keep an eternal perspective. What happens over the next four years, or the next forty years, will seem trivial when compared with the glory of spending eternity with Jesus. I encourage you to take 13 minutes to listen, and I would be interested in knowing what you think.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
The Right Hand
After Jesus was crucified and arose from the dead, he appeared to Mary and his disciples. Jesus told them that He would be leaving them, but Mary held on tightly, not wanting to be separated from Him. At the end of Mark's gospel, Mark reports that Jesus ascended into heaven and was seated at the right hand of God. The ascension was more than just Jesus going up into the sky. It was a visual picture of Jesus being anointed as King and Ruler of the Universe. It is similar to a worldy king ascending to his throne, taking on all of the power that role dictates - but so much more.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Garden of Despair
Thursday, October 17, 2024
The Other Advocate
All four gospels talk about the night before Jesus died, but only John details Jesus' instructions to his disciples. Jesus lets the disciples know that He will be leaving them, and they respond with surprise, confusion and dismay. He lets them know that He has to leave so that the "other advocate" can be with them. If we think of an advocate as a legal advocate in today's world, it is someone who represents you, someone who stands up for you and even someone that makes a case for you. With God the Father as the judge, Jesus is our defender and our advocate. He is making a case for us with God. But after that, the analogy breaks down. Jesus didn't just represent us and make a case for us. When God, the judge, pronounced us guilty, instead of the sentence being imposed on us, Jesus took the punishment through his death on the cross. I'm not aware of any defense attorneys that have done that for their clients. So if Jesus is our advocate, who is the "other advocate" he refers to. The other advocate is the Holy Spirit, dwelling within us. While Jesus, the first advocate, speaks to God on our behalf, the Holy Spirit, the other advocate, talks to us for us. I want to do a better job listening. And I pray that is true for each of us today.
Thursday, October 10, 2024
An Open Purse
Robert attended Pasadena Nazarene College and spent the next several years as an evangelist traveling across California working mostly with troubled teens. He joined an organization called Youth for Christ, and became close with Billy, who was one of the leaders there. Robert's involvement in Youth for Christ took him overseas where he was moved by the poverty and despair of the war-torn areas that he visited. He founded an organization called World Vision International dedicated to helping children out of poverty. He then started Samaritan's Purse dedicated to providing food to starving children and helping with disaster relief.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Flood Of Emotion
I posted this week at SpotOnTheLake encouraging readers to do what they can to help the victims of hurricane Helene. I'm sure there are 100's of stories of heroism that have been circulating about rescue workers and private citizens that have been able to help victims, but this one got caught on live TV. Bob Van Dillen was doing a live broadcast from Peachtree Creek in Atlanta. He heard a woman calling out from a partially submerged vehicle and he called 911. The screams became more intense, and he realized that someone needed to help right away. He stopped the broadcast and waded in chest deep water to the car to free her. The cameras rolled again as he was carrying her to safety clinging to his back. Bob was very humble in his remarks afterwards downplaying his actions, but as we all know, the risk of entering high, moving water can be very dangerous. I can't say for sure, but I hope my response would have been the same as his. We lift up continued prayers for all of those affected by the storm. Summary video Longer video with interview
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Something To Wine About
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
May I have the next dance?
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Thirst Quencher
As Jesus made his way from Judea to Galilee, he passed through Samaria in the middle part of the day. The heat was intense and Jesus' thirst was almost overwhelming. He found a seat near a well, but had nothing to draw the water with. A Samaritan woman was coming to the well for water, and Jesus asked her for a drink. For Jesus to speak to her was shocking for three reasons. She was a woman; she was a Samaritan, and she was a moral outcast, as she was by herself in the middle of the day, instead of taking care of her family. She challenged Jesus as to why He would speak to her, and He responded. "If you knew the gift of God, and who you were speaking with, you would have asked me for living water." Confused, she questioned, "How could you provide me with water when you have no way to get it from the well?" Jesus replied, "Whoever drinks the water from the well will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the living water will never be thirsty again." She then asks Him for the living water, but Jesus tells her to go get her husband. She confessed that she didn't have a husband, and Jesus confirmed that she has had five husbands, and she was currently sleeping with a man she wasn't married to. The woman recognized Jesus as a prophet and told Him that she knew the Messiah would come, and when he came, He would explain everything to her. Jesus declared, "I am He".
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Mental Health Crisis
Once again our country is dealing with a sick or troubled individual who has decided the appropriate response is to shoot and kill innocent people. Only this time, the incident is in my backyard. People I work with and go to church with have students at Apalachee High School. Thankfully, their children were not harmed physically, but I can't imagine what they and their families went through yesterday. The shooting will change their lives forever, and I hope and pray that they have extended family, friends and counselors that are able to provide some level of comfort. I am all for whatever we can do to make schools safer, but I have to believe if someone is that sick, they will find a way to act on their impulse, even if it is outside of a school at some other less protected venue. I think our only hope is to do a better job recognizing and addressing the mental health issues that are leading to these tragedies. I am not an expert, but I did find these resources for help: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and Crisis Services at the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health. If you are struggling with anything, I would welcome a call at 678-469-9917.
Thursday, August 29, 2024
He's from where?
Thursday, August 22, 2024
A Walk To Remember
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Nothing Short Of Rival
I saw a news article about a revival called March for Jesus that is taking place in Boston on August 25th. They are expecting the largest crowd for a gathering of this type since Martin Luther King preached there in 1950. There are a lot of speakers and musicians participating, but Jaymz Sideras, a revivalist originally from London is spearheading the event. I hadn't heard of Dr. Jaymz before so I searched up this video where he describes the impact of the greatest person that ever lived. Take a few minutes, listen, and pray for revival in Boston and across the globe.
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Which God Is Which?
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Close Encounters
Our ConnectGroup from church had the summer off, but we are getting ready to crank up the Fall season. There will be 17 of us this semester studying Tim Keller's Encounters with Jesus. If you aren't familiar with Tim, he is the pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan and is known for his clear, reasoned approach to Christian apologetics. If you haven't read any of his books yet, I highly recommend them. And if you're not sure about who the Christian God is, I highly recommend The Reason for God, Belief in an Age of Skepticism. I hope some of you will read along with us.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Healing Prayer
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Thomas and Lauren
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Boat Church
Most of you know that we have been loving Lake Hartwell on weekends for the last 26 years. Our kids were young teens when we began. We had a home church in Gwinnett County, but many Sundays were spent at the lake. We missed being at church on Sunday mornings, so we started Boat Church. Several families gathered to sing, pray and worship at a friend's dock. We would usually have about 20 people, but on holiday weekends we might have as many as 50. People came by car or boat. When our kids started having their own kids, the logistics got more difficult to manage, and we began meeting less frequently. This year on Memorial Day weekend and on July 4th weekend, we revived the tradition. My good friend John and his son led music, and my son-in-law, Trey, prepared a message for us. The music and message were inspiring, and it was so good to connect with friends that we don't get to see that often. I hope that we can start meeting more regularly on Sundays at the lake. I hope you have a meaningful place to worship every week.
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Tomorrow, we will be celebrating our country's freedom from the tyranny of oppression by Great Britain. Last week, I posted about some of the heroes that sacrificed everything for our freedom from the Nazis during WW-II. Struggling against oppression has been a part of our history since the beginning of time as recorded by the earliest manuscripts known to man. That oppression can be attributed to man's broken nature described in the Book of Genesis and throughout the Old Testament. Our true freedom from that broken nature was only made possible by the life and death of Jesus, God in the flesh, who came to Earth to save us from our sin. I was reminded of the words from this worship song, "Come out of the dark, just as you are, into the freedom of his love." I hope you are able to celebrate our country's freedom well and also take a few moments to celebrate the freedom available through knowing and following Jesus.
Thursday, June 27, 2024
The Cost of Independence
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Pirate Plunder
For the past 9 summers, scalawags have descended on Lake Hartwell to enjoy the bounty of their hard work from the previous year. Regrettably, one Captain Hook, has sought to spoil their celebration by stealing their treasure. The scalawags begin a relentless pursuit to find Captain Hook and recover their rightful plunder. No stone is left unturned, tracking him by land and boat. Other activities include crafts, tubing, a limbo contest, cliff jumping and lunch on the scalawag dock - and that was just day one. This year 11 scalawags were old enough to attend, and the oldest have been promoted to senior scalawag status. 6 of them come from my bloodline, and the other 5 from the bloodline of some close friends. I believe I have reported this in the past, but these three days are some of the most exhausting, but three of the most important days of the year for me. Isn't that how it usually works? For some video coverage from yesterday, check out my facebook page.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Acts Like Him
I am reading through Acts now and came across the account of Stephen's short time on earth. After Jesus' death, the disciples are busy spreading the story of His death and His resurrection. The physical needs of the people saving others and those being saved were growing exponentially, and someone needed to be responsible for distributing food to all of them. Stephen was chosen to lead this important ministry, but Stephen was also known for his unquenchable desire to tell people about Jesus. The rulers of the area were threatened by his words and many wanted him dead.
Thursday, June 6, 2024
I'm not very good at sitting still (or standing still). And if I am sitting still, the television is probably on. Even if it is only on in the background, it is there. I have been encouraged by multiple people that I respect to find time to sit still in the quiet and focus on who God is. When I do that, I have felt renewed and at peace. I listened to this worship song this morning for the first time. I love this prayer put to music: "I breathe you in. Come fill me Holy Spirit with your mighty rushing wind. Flood me with Your living water. Rush through me now 'til my soul overflows." The idea of inviting the Holy Spirit inside me until I am so full that it overflows to others is a beautiful word picture. I have so far to go. Thank God for his patience with me. Now, let me sit in silence and invite Him in. I hope you will do the same.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Healing Prayer
A friend let me borrow a book called Healing Prayer by David Chotka and Maxie Dunham. I have just started it, but I am already inspired and scared. I am inspired as each of them shared their personal experiences with healing prayer in the first chapter. David had an acquaintance that had ridiculed him for his Christian belief. The acquaintance was diagnosed with phlebitis and had asked through a mutual friend for David to pray for him. He stated, "David is the only one I know that believes." Based on the history, David initially rejected the request, but later was convinced that he needed to be faithful to God and to the request. David visited the acquaintance in the hospital, laid his hands on the diseased area, and prayed for healing for the first time in his life. He felt a warmth go from his arm into the diseased shoulder. The next day multiple doctors confirmed that there was no sign of the phlebitis. Maxie's story was different in that his family and church community was praying for his grandson who had multiple issues with his vision over several years. Doctors said he would never be able to see normally, but after multiple years, his vision was almost completely restored. These stories are inspirational, but the scary part to me is that I know I have prayed prayers for healing that have not been answered immediately, and most have still not been answered to my knowledge. I know that this is true for many of my friends who have done the same. That makes me question both my level of faith and my capacity to pray "correctly". I hope this book is going to help me with both of those fears. I would love to hear your experiences with healing prayer.
Friday, May 24, 2024
Extended Family
Thursday, May 16, 2024
JC is a good friend that I have written about in the past. (John Crawfrord, not Jesus Christ). I first met JC in the Redcoat Band at UGA in 1980. We both played trumpet in that band and in the UGA Jazz Band. We were more acquaintances than good friends at that time. After college, JC joined Northwestern Mutual and Caroline and I eventually became his clients for life insurance. Caroline became his office manager about the time I changed careers to go into real estate. We both like to waterski, and JC eventually became my client for real estate when he bought a home at Lake Hartwell. We have watched our kids grow up loving the lake and for several years met for boat church at the lake on Sundays. JC is one of the most generous people I have ever known, and I happen to know his secret. He is a fervent reader of the Bible, and he consistently reminds me that I need to be one, too. I have a long way to go. This week he encouraged me to read Psalm 119. I'm sure I have read what turns out to be the longest book of the Bible in the past, but it has been a while. It is packed with truth, and you could spend hours meditating on just a few verses. If you haven't read it in a while, I want to follow JC's lead and encourage you to read it today.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
The Other Brother (update)
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
The Seventh of June
On 6/7/2017, when Anne was 15 years old, she received the news that nobody wants to get. Her older brother, Jacob, had been killed in a car accident. She had been very close to her brother, and of course, she was traumatized. In planning the funeral, Anne's mother asked her if she would sing, and Anne agreed to sing one of her favorite songs, "What a beautiful name" from Hillsong Worship. This was the first time that she had sung publicly. During and after the service, Anne realized that singing, and especially singing worship music, was something that she felt called to do. Afterwards, she was encouraged by friends to record this video, and posted it to YouTube. Over a million people watched it, and one of those people was a talent scout for Capitol Christian Music Group, who signed Anne to that label in 2019. Two years later, at the age of 19, Anne Wilson's debut song, My Jesus, was nominated for the Billboard Music Award for Top Christian Song. Last year, Anne released The Seventh of June as a tribute to her brother and a statement of God's presence while she was dealing with her grief. Praise God for bringing healing from sadness, and thanks to Anne for sharing her gift to bring Him glory.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Celebrating Marriage
It is a sad fact that almost one half of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce. I am proud that my parents were married almost 50 years until my dad passed away. Caroline and I have now been married for 40 years, and this week we are celebrating with a well-deserved vacation. We have booked a Mediterranean cruise stopping in Barcelona, France and three stops in Italy. I can't wait to spend extended time with Caroline and am also thankful that Michael and Janet are fully qualified to keep Spot On The Lake thriving while we are away. I feel very blessed that God gifted us our marriage. I want to continue to do everything I can to honor the union that He is a part of.
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Control Freaks
Last night, our ConnectGroup from church finished up our study of The Cost of Control by Sharon Hodde Miller. One of the main points Sharon left us with is that the only things we can really control are ourselves, and there are plenty of times when I do a lousy job of that. She differentiated control from influence. Control is about forcing our agenda on others. Influence is attempting to understand another person's position and then offering counsel when that person is open to it. I face this decision on which approach to take a lot in my business and with my personal relationships. I believe I have gotten better at choosing influence over the years, but I still have a long way to go. While our group didn't always understand Sharon's recommended approach, her writing did a good job of stimulating conversation with the group, and as the group leader, I appreciated that. And there is one other thing we know for sure. Our gathering, our study and our desire to know God more are pleasing to Him. I hope you have, or can find, a group of believers to share your journey with.
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Masters of what?